This blog is a chronicle of my journey in pursuit of my goal of earning a PhD in Biology (or a masters degree in Applied Mathematics.) I have a Bachelors degree in mathematics and, before applying to the program, I plan to review basic biology, linear algebra, all three levels of calculus, and maybe learn how to value financial derivatives. I am also learning to use the freely downloadable program, Blender, to do computer animation. In addition to self-study, I work full-time as a university administrator. I have my hands full but figure that I will learn these subjects better if I write about them. Also, I am taking a class in Mandarin Chinese toward my goal of becoming fluent in Chinese but I don't know that I will include these efforts here in this blog. The best way to learn something is by teaching so the idea is that I will teach what I have learned via the blog. As you are my audience/students, feel free to ask me questions as needed.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rosalind Franklin

See this site for more information on this forgotten key figure behind the discovery of the double helix. Watson and Crick stole her work, using it without asking or letting her know and never giving her recognition she very much deserved in doing the foundational work that led to their discoveries. Watson was a prick in other ways as well, he regularly made wildly racist comments about various groups. Ironically, after he made blatantly racist and inflammatory comments about the intelligence of people with african ancestry (or rather the "black race"), it was discovered that he had a strong genetic background from the continent of Africa. So much so in fact that it is likely he has a great-grandparent from Africa.